Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

CCU_DEMOCRATION (Sriyati_031104005/VIID)

Freedom of expression has been existing in Indonesia since 1945 when we declared our independence. However, this freedom was not exist during Orde Baru regime. This freedom was completely limited by the violence of military power. Fortunately, this regime just stood about 32 years old. After Orde Baru collapsed, reformation era was introduced and freedom of expression became an epidemic around this country. Somehow, since that era, freedom expression has been in wrong way. We should admit that our life in this reformation era is not better than in Orde Baru regime, even worse. There are a lot of bad impacts that occur because of freedom of expression such as demonstrations, pornography, sexual abuses, violences, and even corruptions. Because freedom of expression has been in wrong way, it should be limited by government.
First, freedom of expression has always been misunderstood as a freedom to give opinion without regarding others’ rights. Many people become more selfish after Freedom of Expression was implemented. Many people think that they are completely right while others are wrong. If there is a problem, they just like to speak not to listen to others. They won’t appreciate others’ argument unless others’ argument has same way with their opinion and support each other. Their stubborn attitude makes every single problem that occurs in our country become difficult to get an agreement and solution. Every problem can only be solved by voting. Solution just appears from the power of majority while the right of minority is not concerned and participated. Because all of that , democration in this country could not be implemented anymore.
Second, most of people always make Freedom of expression as an excuse to do whatever they want. Many irresponsible people justify their action. They even use violence to make sure to others that their opinion is right while others’ is wrong. They make anarchism as a form of expression. They make graffiti everywhere, break public tools and burn anything else to show their expression and opinion. Because of their action, society becomes chaos.
Third, the implementation of Freedom of expression brings more bad impacts. There are demonstration, separatism, pornography and violence. Many people think that demonstration as the only way to give their opinion so that there is no day without demonstration. Pornography as an expression of ‘art’ occurs everywhere and becomes an epidemic to the society. Now, most of society’s way of life could not be separated from this stuff. Not only that, many people use this freedom moment to separate from our country like GAM, OPM, RMS and so on. A lot of kind of separatism occur in every region because they say that they have a right to do this action which is freedom of expression. They even use violence to force Indonesian government to legalize their action.
Some people say that freedom of expression must not be limited. They argue that according to the meaning of freedom itself, freedom is not appropriate with limitation. Furthermore, they say that we have ever felt how our freedom of expression was limited in Orde Baru. I agree that freedom is not appropriate with limitation but is it worth if we are free to do whatever we want even break the law and our democration way of life in the name of freedom of expression?. I don’t think so. We know that how horrible the limitation in Orde Baru was. This regime usually used military power to punish every person that gave his/her opinion about especially the weakness of this regime. But, that was not a form of limitation on freedom of expression. That was a form of dictator which there is no freedom at all. Of course we all don’t want that happens again. The limitation in here is not as strict as Orde Baru regime did.
This limitation is just to control our freedom of expression so that its implementation will still in the way of democration way of life.There is some solutions to solve this problem. First, government must give some understanding about how freedom of expression should be. Government and NGO should be active to this action so that people will not misunderstand about freedom of expression again. Second, Government must limit freedom of expression in order to make a better way for implementation of freedom of expression so that our democratic way of life is still exist in this country.
After short discussion, we can conclude that freedom of expression in Indonesia has been in wrong way. Government should consider limitation for implementation of freedom of expression as one solution to stabilize our life.
In my opinion, democration not only happen in political issue but also have the relation with culture. For example, several years ago tiong hoa or Chinese people who lived permanen in Indonesia couldn’t celebrate their religion celebration which held every years. Because it considered not suitable with Indonesian culture. But now, we can find everywhere Chinese people celebrate their religion and also built their own place for pray. So, democration is very complex in human

Reference: expression.html

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